Can I cancel a preorder?
Yes! At any point before your preorder has been shipped, we can cancel and refund your preorder.
Why has the arrival date changed/don't you have a specific arrival date?
We will be updating the product pages as we receive more information from our suppliers so it really depends on them.
Can I preorder more than one item at a time?
Yes! Just be aware that your order won't be shipped until all items have arrived at the warehouse.
Can I get the in-stock items in my order shipped?
If you've made an order that is still waiting on a pre-order item but you're keen to get the in-stock items now; there are two options:
We can split your order for a $5.00 administration fee + any applicable shipping fees.
We can cancel and refund your order and you can make the order again making sure to order the pre-order item separately.
Get in touch and let us know what you would like to do.
Why has the price changed?
We may update pricing to reflect new information or to maintain our competitive pricing.